Thanks to your help testing WoW Classic, we’ve fixed many additional reported bugs since the Beta ended last month. To really ensure that these fixes are all functioning as expected and prepare the smoothest possible launch in two weeks, we’ve just re-opened our closed beta realms for additional testing of WoW Classic.
All testers who previously had access to the closed beta are now able to log into those realms. Characters that were previously created on the beta test realms were removed, and level 40-character templates are now available. The level cap has been increased to 45. Characters in this range will find level-appropriate quests to explore in zones such as Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Dustwallow Marsh, and Desolace.
As before, please use the in-game Bug Report button to submit issues encountered while testing. If you need more text space to explain an issue you encountered, please take it to our WoW Classic Support and Bug Report forum, which is now open for new threads.
This final closed beta test will end on Friday, 16 August.
Thanks in advance to everyone who jumps in to test WoW Classic and help us prepare for its worldwide release on 27 August at 12:01 a.m. CEST!