YAY we get to level up again!

#0 - Oct. 7, 2008, 12:29 p.m.
Blizzard Post
i personally am really looking forward to levelling again. i joined TBC late after taking a break from the game. when i leveled my first char from 60-70 LFG was on the decline, not a disaster but not great either. i then leveled my other 60 up, and started a palla.

It was great, you could do end game instances on normal mode *cheering*

then the honor requireent for keys was changed from revered to honored. My rogue and Priest had both got to do end game normal instances. My palla was 65 at the time, and after 67 all normal instance pugs stopped. heroic or nothing.

i was lucky while lvling my palla, you could get pugs for low and mid level pretbc instances. about 2/3 months later i started this mage. and she has been solo or boosted all the way to 70.

So as WoTLK i am delighted at getting the chance to level again, to do instances with same level characters, for you to be able to get *shock* more than one pug a day, as there will be people at these levels wanting to do these instances.

is anyone else looking forward to this aspect of the new expansion, hopefully not everyone is whining about having to level :)

and before we get the ZOMG pugs suck, i am a firm believer that pugs are an ideal training ground for raiding. because instead of instancing with the same 4 other people over and over, you get to play with a range of chars, playstyles and skill levels; and get experience in what to do when all is not going to plan. I have seen healers and tanks who never pugged, and when stuff went wrong - froze - just stood on the spot like 'OMG WTF DO I DO NOW? I'LL STAND HERE AND DIE', or ran away.

so YAY for Levelling and YAY for PuGs :D
#15 - Oct. 7, 2008, 4:23 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I had alot of fun lvling on beta and hope to be here to play WoTLK. The new areas are so much fun!

Leveling in the beta and exploring the new areas is indeed quite fun and I am sure a lot of people will enjoy the experience once WotLK is released :-)