Feedback: Mythic+ Testing 28 January - 4 February

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WoW Developer
#1 - Jan. 28, 2025, 6:32 p.m.
Blizzard Post

The War Within Season 2 dungeon testing begins on PTR today. The test period starts on Tuesday January 28th at 14:00 PDT (17:00 EDT, 23:00 CEST), and ends Tuesday February 4th at 10:00 PDT (13:00 EDT, 20:00 CEST). Please note that the test period may be adjusted in the event of technical difficulties.

This week’s dungeon pool focus is on The War Within dungeons and Operation: Floodgate.

In addition to larger reward, affix, and scaling changes which you can read about here. This week includes adjustments to dungeon timers alongside graveyard checkpoints. Additionally, we’ve made further adjustments to the minecart event in Darkflame Cleft.

Cinderbrew Meadery

  • Timer increased from 33 minutes. (was 30 minutes)
  • Taste Tester’s Free Sample? can now be interrupted.
  • Bee-Wrangler’s Bee-stial Wrath can be interrupted
  • Bee-stial Wrath cast time increased to 3 seconds. (was 2 seconds)
  • Increased ability cooldowns on the following creatures
    • Worker Bee
    • Venture Co. Patron
    • Venture Co. Pyromaniac
    • Hired Muscle
    • Flavor Scientist
    • Taste Tester
    • Careless Hopgoblin
    • Venture Co. Honey Harvester
    • Royal Jelly Purveyor

The Rookery

  • Defeating Kyrioss updates the graveyard location to the Stormrider Barracks.
  • Kyrioss’ Grounding Bolt no longer leaves area denial.
  • Several Cursed Thunderers have been removed or replaced from packs in the dungeon.
  • Void-Cursed Crusher’s Void Crush no longer leaves area denial.
  • Increased ability cooldowns on the following creatures.
    • Void Rider
    • Unruly Stormrook
    • Cursed Rooktender
    • Void-Cursed Crusher
    • Corrupted Oracle
    • Void Ascendant

Darkflame Cleft

  • Timer increased to 34 minutes. (was 30 minutes)
  • Defeating Blazikon updates the graveyard location to the Waxatory.
  • Minecart Event
    • Completing the mine cart event now updates the graveyard location to the Sprawling Trackyard.
    • Mine cart’s movement speed significantly increased while out of combat.
    • Enemies in the mine cart event have their health reduced by 10%
    • The Darkness’s health reduced by 10%.
    • The Darkness’s minimum health threshold during the mine cart event adjusted from 80% to 90%.
    • The Darkness’s encounter now ends at 55% health.
  • Increased ability cooldowns on the following creatures.
    ○ Rank Overseer
    ○ Wandering Candle
    ○ Blazing Fiend
    ○ Sootsnout

Priory of the Sacred Flame

  • Defeating Baron Braunpyke updates the graveyard location to the Priory of the Sacred Flame.
  • Baron Braunpyke’s Hammer of Purity movement speed reduced by 40%
  • Baron Braunpyke’s Castigator’s Detonation now occurs after 5 seconds. (was 4 seconds)
  • Increased ability cooldowns on the following creatures.
    ○ Ardent Paladin
    ○ Devout Priest
    ○ Elena Emberlanz
    ○ Fanatical Conjuror
    ○ Forge Master Damian
    ○ Lightspawn
    ○ Risen Mage
    ○ Sir Braunpyke
    ○ Taener Duelmal
    ○ Zealous Templar

Operation: Floodgate

  • Shreddinator 3000
    • Shreddation cast time increased to 3 sec (was 1.25 sec).
    • Shreddation cooldown increased.
    • Ramping damage from consecutive Shreddation Sawblade hits reduced by 50%.
  • Darkfuse Jumpstarter
    • Battery Discharge is now applied after a 2 second cast upon entering combat.
    • Battery Discharge now inflicts damage every 5 seconds. (was 4 seconds)
    • Battery Discharge damage increased by 11%.
  • Venture Co. Diver’s Harpoon can now be interrupted.
  • Venture Co. Electrician
    • Lightning Bolt cast time increased to 2.5 sec (was 2 sec).
    • Overcharge cooldown increased.
  • Big M.O.M.M.A.
    • Jumpstart damage reduced by 10%.
    • Electrocrush damage over time reduced by 10%.
  • Swampface
    ○ Sludge Claws cast time increased to 2.5 sec (was 1 sec).
    ○ The ally you are bound to by Razorchoke Vines is now highlighted.
  • Geezle Gigazap
    ○ Thunder Punch cast time increased to 2.5 sec (was 1.5 sec).
    ○ The arrow indicator above a Leaping Spark fixated on the player is now red (was blue).
    ○ Leaping Spark contact damage increased by 100%.

During the test period you’ll be able to acquire and customize Mythic Keystones by talking to the Keystone Vendor in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, and the nearby Dungeon Teleports NPC will assist you with transportation.

We look forward to hearing your feedback!

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WoW Developer
#5 - Jan. 30, 2025, 1:13 a.m.
Blizzard Post

We have discovered an issue where the expected health values of creatures in Season 2 Mythic dungeons are not properly reflected in Mythic Keystones. To address this, we are submitting a hotfix to update creature health values to align with increased player damage output, but creature damage dealt to players will not be affected by this change. We will continue to monitor Season 2 tuning and make adjustments as necessary throughout the remainder of the PTR testing cycle.

Additionally in this hotfix, players in +12 keystones will be scaled to item level 678 to better reflect the anticipated player power for later keystone levels.