Feedback: Protection Warrior

#1 - Jan. 7, 2025, 11:40 p.m.
Blizzard Post
  • Chance to reset the cooldown of Shield Slam from Devastator and Strategist reduced to 20% (was 30%).
  • Impenetrable Wall no longer increases Rage generated by Shield Slam.
  • Booming Voice causes Demoralizing Shout to generate 20 Rage (was 30).
  • Champion’s Bulwark no longer increases the Rage generated by Shield Charge.
  • Bloodsurge now causes damage from Deep Wounds to have a chance to generate 3 Rage.
  • Violent Outburst has been rebuilt to be easier to understand and track progress towards the next Outburst. Additional Rage generated from Violent Outburst reduced to 50% (was 100%).
  • Shield Wall cooldown reduced to 3 minutes (was 3.5 minutes).
  • Amount of damage ignored from each use of Ignore Pain increased by 30%.
  • Colossus
    • Colossal Might is no longer applied by Execute.
      • Developers’ notes: Using your hard-hitting rotational ability regularly is core to the Colossus playstyle, and Execute applying Colossal Might pushed Colossus away from that during Execute phases.

I want to give honest feedback on these changes. Rage generation changes were supposed to increase meaningfull decision making on how to spend rage. As a result the spec design and flow has went back 8 years. Spec plays slow (compared to current retail version). Meaningfull decision making really came down to never using revenge unless it’s free. Less rage converts to less CD reduction, less damage, less healing. Strategist nerf is absolutely insane. This single change is detrimental to the spec. Downtimes with nothing to press are unpleasent to play. Impenetrable Wall having 50% of text removed from the talent is asking questions. While at 0 rage shield slam with outburst isnt enough to cast shield block. The 30% compensation to Ignore Pain doesnt compensate the nerfs.

That was from Mountain Thane perspective. Colossus is effectively unplayable now. Colossus had tendency to be rage starved before the nerfs, now it’s just not functioning properly. This is major design problem where Thane is revolving around 2 rage builders to deal damage (can therefore dump rage into ignore pain) while Colossus is build around builder and spender. At the same time it is Thane who has increased rage geneation and not the other way around. Cherry on top is removal of execute from generating Colossal Might stacks (combined with strategist changes) heavily nerfing the Demolish which is core of the hero talent tree.

Lot of words to say the changes are not good for the spec, some of them are asking serious questions. Spec feel objectively (I hope I can speak for others too) worse to play and my biggest fear is the solution will come in form of aura tunning, maybe some increased cooldown reduction/rage spent formula and call it a day.

I wrote this before, current retail version of Prot Warrior is one of the most fun iterations spec had and it would be a waste to just throw it away.

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#19 - Jan. 31, 2025, 10:32 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Hello! We’ve continued to monitor feedback and PTR data, and we want to provide an update on Protection Warrior development.

As noted previously, our goal with the Protection Warrior changes is to bring the APM requirement of the spec down to reduce the performance gap the high APM creates.

We initially made significant adjustments to both burst and sustained Rage generation, as well as Shield Slam resets via Devastator and Strategist. We’ve since made adjustments as we fix bugs and evaluate the actual outcome of the changes versus our expectations.

Now that most of the dust has settled, we feel that we overshot the initial nerf to Shield Slam reset chance. In next week’s PTR build, it will be increased to 25%. After playing with this change, we feel that this gets Protection Warrior to where we want it to be-- an active and engaging playstyle without the rotation being dominated by too-frequent Shield Slam resets.

Thank you for your helpful feedback.

We’ll continue make tuning adjustments as needed.