Forum leveling system

#0 - Aug. 25, 2008, 8:06 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Can we have a system that gives us "experience" and levels in forums. It would give us more motivation to post on main, and it would bring more activity to forums.No rewards tho, that would just result useless spamming.
Experience could go like this: +2 exp for making a new topic, +1 exp for commenting on a topic and +1 exp for getting a comment on your own made topic, oh and +5 for a blue answer. Level cap to 80, in a way that it would take at least a year of active posting to get there.
#11 - Aug. 25, 2008, 9:52 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Can we have a system that gives us "experience" and levels in forums. It would give us more motivation to post on main, and it would bring more activity to forums.No rewards tho, that would just result useless spamming.
Experience could go like this: +2 exp for making a new topic, +1 exp for commenting on a topic and +1 exp for getting a comment on your own made topic, oh and +5 for a blue answer. Level cap to 80, in a way that it would take at least a year of active posting to get there.

Well it certainly is an interesting idea, but I'm afraid that implementing such a system will not have the desired effect and would instead be abused. In fact, such a system would result in the opposite and lead to even more spam and troll posts all over the forums, created only for the purpose of getting points. After a while, the higher rank or level a person has will only serve to indicate how much he or she is spamming and trolling. It would not serve as a reward for those who are the most constructive and helpful posters, but instead reward those who can spam the most, which is rather undesirable to say the least :-)

What I am trying to say is that you should probably not expect to see a forum ranking or rating system getting implemented at any time soon. If we were ever to have such a system, it would have to be one that cannot be abused to reward spamming and trolling. Also, it would have to be a system that cannot be used for griefing.