#1 - Dec. 20, 2024, 7:44 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Today, we’re working to update the game with a hotfix that will make all of the Singing Citrines available on Siren Isle, allowing players to acquire all of them in the current week.

The system was originally designed to have different Citrines be associated with different enemy cultures as they invaded Siren Isle on a rotating basis, but having to wait for a specific invasion type in order to obtain your Citrine of choice has felt like it’s creating more frustration than anticipation.

The gems belonging to the goblins, Arathi, and Earthen should come from doing events on the isle that are started at the Siren Isle Command Map. After getting them once, you’ll be able to buy them and store them in your Warbank for your alts as usual.

The gems that belong to enemy factions should now be purchasable from Taljori, the Tortollan vendor sitting on the large rock behind Bargus.

Happy holidays!