Delve scaling is actually broken; Numbers included

#1 - Sept. 13, 2024, 12:51 a.m.
Blizzard Post

LOL@all the people who were saying they weren’t broken.

Decided to do a little more Delve scaling testing… here are the amazing results (on a Tier 8):
Tested on various damage intake types, settled on “Web Bolt” just as a standard for consistency for these values.

1 Tank: 2.5M
1 Tank + 1 DPS: 1M
2 Tanks + 1 DPS: 1.5M
2 Tanks: 1.5M
1 Tank + 1 Healer: 1.3M
1 Healer: 2M
2 Healers: 1.3M
1 DPS + 1 Healer: 1.3M
1 DPS: 1.3M
2 DPS: 1M
1 Tank + 1 DPS + 1 Healer: 1.3M

But wait! There’s more! Let’s talk about health values, these seem to be independent of Role, tested 1-3 player, let’s refer to “Nerubian Threadmancer” just as a constant again (every mob’s HP scaled accordingly)

1 Player: 4.62M
2 Player: 3.47M
3 Player 4.31M

Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk, enjoy the new solo content!

Hopefully this gets fixed soon and the higher tier content is actually solo-able at the recommended ilvl.

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Community Manager
#21 - Sept. 13, 2024, 6:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post


Following recent hotfixes to address issues in Delves, we’ve seen a great deal of concern about enemy scaling in various situations. We’ve been working on additional updates to Delves to address the current state of things.

This is a top priority for us and we expect to deploy further fixes later today.

Thank you for your feedback!