World PVP = Arena PVP = Battleground PVP

#0 - Aug. 4, 2008, 2:27 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Taken from

Q u o t e:
Winterfail will be = Halaa + Auchindoun towers.

Then again, what is world PvP? I think was the Tarren Mill vs. Soutshore brawl or Splintertree vs. Astanaar, BRM, etc.

Tarren Mill vs. Southshore was great, for many reasons.

What you did mattered. You made allies, people saluted you. You made nemesises who would hunt you down. You did not gain gear, or honor, or titles. You did gain a lasting impression on other living, breathing people who respected you, either openly or grudgingly. In short, you developed relationships.

You did not queue. You went when you wanted to.

You did not win. You stopped when you had had enough.

You were not limited to 9, 14 or 39 faceless allies and anonymous enemies.

You did not fight over scripted objectives. You made the objectives.

You did not sit AFK. If you did, you died.

You did not get rolled by a premade. If elite enemies showed up, you logged into world defense and encouraged your own side's "elites" to join the chaos.

You did not lose rating.

You were not limited to four battlegrounds. If you tired of Hillsbrad, you started trouble somewhere else. The entire world was yours.

Most of all, you were not limited by what Blizzard intended. You were free to make of the game what you chose to.

It's the freedom I miss the most, then the people. The environment itself was secondary. The truth of the matter is, due to dis-incentives, this feeling will probably never come back until we're in a new game.

A sad legacy for a company built on player vs. player titles.

Will that ever happen again? Not likely.

So Wintergrasp will be 'playable' only for X minutes every Y hour.

Good, bad? You decide. Personally I was disappointed heavily, maybe I expected too much.

Imo this needs sorting out, i think that arena although shouldnt be ditched, the armor should be obtainable through world pvp involving lake wintergrasp etc the way it should of been. I dont have anything against arena but i feel that arena overshadows PVP to the point where its just not done because the best PVP gear is obtained from arena and leeching battlegroups for the non set parts.

Is this what you guys really want as PVP? Arena overshadowing World PVP. Make Arena and Non Set Epic items available through world pvp too.

If you agree, then please reply with /agree and your opinion

#7 - Aug. 4, 2008, 10:27 a.m.
Blizzard Post
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