2008 WoW Arena Tournament Has Begun

#0 - March 31, 2008, 3:22 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The 2008 World of Warcraft Arena Tournament has now officially begun. Players from around the world can compete on our special tournament realms using the new tournament format. We have leveled the playing field by allowing participants to choose and customize their character and equipment and team up with fellow players to clash in 3-vs.-3 Arena battles. For more information on the tournament, including how to register and participate, please visit our Arena Tournament information page.

Good luck and good fight!
#11 - March 31, 2008, 5:39 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Tournament registration is not closed. We do not currently have a time at which it will be closed.

We do understand and share the frustration some express about not being able to participate, but unfortunately there are laws and regulations that prevent us from including all countries in contests and this kind of tournaments. The restrictions vary based on the exact contests and tournaments (luck factor and prize value being two key points), and while we try to adapt most contests and tournaments to include as many as possible, spanning all - or even most - European countries with these events is very tricky.

At the same time we do wish to have these events in Europe, and also not make them a significantly "lighter" version of those in other regions. We see this as "include as many as possible", not an "everybody or nobody" scenario, and continually work to include as many countries as possible in each event.