1000 Druid tips and tricks! (continued)

#0 - Aug. 2, 2007, 4:18 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I saw a thread similar to this one another class forum and thought it would be a great idea if we shared our small tips and tricks to each other.

Ps. This is the new 1000 Druid tips and tricks thread, since i couldnt write more in my first post.

Here is one I use:

When fighting a mage, to prevent him from counterspelling my resto school, i often cast starfire so that he counterspells my balance tree insteed.

Compiled list of all posted tips and tricks
Quoted from others players. Creds to them.

1. When fighting a mage, to prevent him from counterspelling my resto school, i often cast starfire so that he counterspells my balance tree insteed.

2. Fighting Rogues, use lacerate. Fariefire will be removed when he use Cloak of shadow and so do vanish, Lacerate will not.

3. Use abolish poison versus rogues, it helps a whole lot against Blind. (Doesnt work anymore)

4. What also works is fake casting if they are a good mage start to cast cyclone then move and hope they cant burst you within those 4 seconds or get lucky stuns.

5. If you are dueling warrior, start with cat, get 2-3 CP and go bare. Then when you need heal and NG and bash is on CD wait for him to use MS, then go cat and maim him.
(If he is in zerker stance he can use zerker rage to nullify it. )

6. Fighting a warlock, killing his pet asap can often be a good idea. Same goes for frost mages. cyclone the mage and kill the pet.

7. It's often/sometimes possible to pull a Feral Charge -> Travel Form > Cyclone combo off versus melee (and everyone else)

8. You can cast Nature's Grasp while in Cat/Bear.

9. Dwarfs tend to remove your 5 CP rip, so.. well just keep that in mind, give it to 'em anyway!

10. Warstomp = free Regrowth

11. Bash -> Cat Form > Mangle/Shred can be devastating and suprise your opponent.

12. Pve tanking: Load yourself up with hots before each pull for some free healer aggro.

13. Pve tanking: Load yourself up with hots and have your teammates do the same before each pull. Any spell cast before the pull does not generate aggro, but letting the HoTs tick after the pull gives you time to get a good aggro lead over the main healer.

14. Always put Feary Fire on rogues ASAP (probably every dr00d knows this, but still).

15. Furor is better than iMotW if you PvP (and even has it's uses in PvE), regardless of spec. Instant bash is too good to pass.

16. Demoralizing Roar can be used to find nearby rogues in stealth.

17. The bloom effect of the lifebloom spell generates threat toward the person it's casted on. To give the tank some extra threat on the tank, put 1 lifebloom on it once tank got some snap aggro and let it run out. (May not work since patch)

18. We aren't rogues. Catform is a good opener and short-time nuker, but switch to bear a lot too.

19. Lacerate/Rake/Rip can do wonders, even on low armor targets, you just need to know when to use them.

20. Wait for others to attack first if you're in a group in pvp. If you attack first, you'll be targeted by everyone and die in a few seconds. If you wait, chances are they will focus on others first.

21. (obvious one, but still.) Using cloth as a moonkin isn't bad. Especially in PvE it can even be better then leather.

22. Don't try to convince others that druids are good PvE'ers by talking. They'll usually not believe you. You almost always have to show them first hand. >_<

23. Feral Charge + Mangle + Bash + Cat Form + Shred is a great way to get in some serious damage and CP's against hunters.

24. Use Rank 1 moonfires on grounding totem.

25. Barkskin is your friend, if in doubt, use barkskin.

26. In arena, cyclone a healer wait for him to trinket then cyclone his target (even if its the current target for burst damage).

27. The best way to deal with felguards/warlock pets/hunter pets in general if you need to heal is natures grasp.

28. As a moonkin, when fighting casters, use caster form, that way you can keep hots up and be a general pain in the ass.

29. Moonkins + Moonfire spam make GREAT battleground tanks. Its like instant pvp aggro.

30. When sitting in your base in WSG you can use track humanoids to watch people coming after you and keep out their way. Make sure you have the map fully zoomed out, so you can see stealthers.. stealth.

31. The ultimate pvp meleekin is a heavy balance spec with feral tanking gear (so 11K hp and 26-27K armour). Trees + dots + melee regen and you can own any melee class give or take (try it against your local epixxed arms warrior if you don't believe me).

32. Bind Cat + Bear form to mouse buttons and get a multi button mouse. That way you can shift forms really fast, without needing to focus on clicking buttons on the screen.

33. Timing cyclone correctly in the arena against an AP-Pyro mage can be immensely fun. Its kinda luck based though.

34. In group pvp/battlegrounds your better off cycloning healers than trying to kill them, unless they're obviously wearing primal mooncloth gear or something.

35. Tank Bestial wrath in bear form.

36. Fury warriors are a free HK, arms warriors are a royal pain.

37. Feral charge, roots, cyclone and maim ALL trigger second wind.

38. Use HS, it looks exactly like our healing and mages ALWAYS fall for it, as do rogues and warriors....

39. Soothe Animal does not put you in combat.

40. If a rogue vanish close to you use DEMO Roar and u can see him again.. he just wasted his vanish.

41. Wait to use feral charge and stun til after he has used BLINK, the charge him and stun him. massiv damge will normal force a mage to use BLINK

42. Hunter: Root him and get in his deadzone, then sleep his pet and kill him.... make sure to have a good mana pool cuz u have to shift alot agains Hunters... Use innervate early in the fight.

43. You can shift out of a lot of things, like polymorph, slow effects (wing clip for example), frost effects, etc.

44. You can have a probably more effective dps/threat in bear if you time mangles/swipes/lacerates between auto-attacks/mauls.

45. You can drop from flight form in mid air to cat and stealth,you can't do it very high or stealth breaks,or just wait until you hit ground to stealth, even if that ally/horde sees you it might be too late for him to save his life,c ause you will have him pounced b4 he blinks his eyes twice.

46. You can charge without attacking, if you time it right, it can be a great way to stop that mob that broke out of cc.

47. Get a energy ticker mod, then you can see when you get the new tick of energy and then use your attack just before it ticks, this way it will give you a tick right after and you used your attack and you dont have to wait for that extra energy.

48. Resto in the Arena: Trapped by a rogue or warrior? Use feral charge on the other opponent to free yourself and then change form - you're now free....

49. Mage tactic: Try to go pounce + maim - and directly after he blinks, which they mostly do, cast cyclone and try to land it AFTER you got hit with pyroblast - heal.. that way he waste his pyro.

50. Frost mage tactic: Kill the elemental! (not many do that, but i urge you - it hurts like hell)

51. Hunter tactic: dont be afraid to use Catform in melee range - and the old "Sleep-pet-style" doesnt work anymore, to much burst so simply ignore it.
Taunt the pet just before you end up in a trap - that makes the pet break the ice and your free.

52. Before when we faced another stealthed unit, we had to spam next target and pounce button to get it off before the other players used their opener. Now a days we only need to spam pounce, cause it automaticly targets the enemy if we press it.

53. How to outsmart mages? (For ferals) Go bear, cast feral charge, instantly shift out, he blinks, and by this time you're finishing casting cyclone... works on 85% of mages.

54. When an enemy tries to flee from you with low hp...shift out and...just moonfire him. 300Dmg guaranteed and you can even spam it if he survives :).

55. When stealing the flag at WSG, cast nature's grasp so the first attacker will be rooted.

56. Always put simple tricks near your finger, I have my trinket ability at the "X" button and Faerie Fire at "Z". Helps in the heat of battle. After all x & z buttons work for sitting and hiding your weapons. Not that useful.

57. When fighting alongside a healer and you are the only dps (as feral) and trying to kill a paladin healer, use your bleed attacks to your advantage. There is no way you can outdps the paladins healing by shreding, but If you build up 5 combopoints and wait for 100 energy, then use rip, rake and then mangle you have now put two dots on the pala as well as mangle that boost the dots' damage. Use that damage to help you kill the pala with shreds.

58. Remember that rip/rake does damage while the target is maimed

59. The warlock on my team tells me that his curse of agony does damage on the target in cyclone - just a little reminder :P

60. A general rule with a dps + healer team (that would be mine) is to kill the warrior last if they have a healer with them, since you can't kill the warrior quick enough anyway and by dps'ing the warrior you are just improving his rage generation.

61. When fighting a warrior and they don't have priest/paladin with them, entangling roots is an excellent tool to keep them CC'ed when cyclone is on full diminishing returns, since only priest and pallies can dispell roots.

62. You can tell whether you are fighting a Pom Pyro mage or a Frost Mage by looking at their shield. Pom Pyro mages only uses mana shield, while Frost Mages use Ice Barrier which looks like mana shield but with small shards of ice on the surface of the shield.

63. Often it is a good idea to kill a Frost Mage last, since they have so much survivability (2 ice blocks + 2 elementals to keep you at
#9 - Aug. 2, 2007, 4:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I have updated the link in the Informative and useful Druid threads sticky to point to this thread now.

I go will lock the old thread now so that people concentrate on this one.