#0 - Aug. 3, 2007, 3:34 p.m.
Blizzard Post
For those not able to attend BlizzCon this year, but wanting to have as frequent updates as they can get, here are some helpful links.

Fansites present at BlizzCon
WorldofWar.net: http://wow.incgamers.com/forums/vbarticles.php?do=article&articleid=9
WorldofWar.se: http://www.worldofwar.se/
WoW Stratics: http://wow.stratics.com/

Radio and TV
WoW Radio: http://www.wcradio.com/shows.php?selectShow=78
Giga: http://www.giga.de/show/wow/00140464_das_blizzcon_special/ (and http://www.giga.de/2/tournaments/event.php?id=10)

If you have additional links, post them and we'll consider them for addition to this post.