Enhancement guide: How to max your dps-output

#0 - May 25, 2007, 8:10 p.m.
Blizzard Post
How can you improve your dps as a Enchament shaman?
This is my small idea(Snorkle and AJ have also introduced this idea to shamans) i see so many noobs trying to figure out how to play as enhancement shaman, this thread is made because i wan't
shamans to understand how their class works, so that they can put effort into something that isn't invain.
So read this guide carefully before you start flaming or w/e, i have took every single small synergy there is in to my calculations.

Firstly your damage consists of:Windfury,stormstrike,shocks, haste and white damage.

The more you hit and crit the more you do white damage, this is a majority of shamans damage and should not be overlooked.
white damage supportting your other elements of damage output?
windfury tooltip says: "each HIT has a 20%chance of dealing..."
so as a simple conclusion the more you hit the more you get windfury attacks
you need aproximately 24% of hit in order not miss whit white attacks against bosses, so 9%from talents and 15%from gear.
Crit rate: Should be 25% this is because of FLURRY=30%attacks speed for your next 3swings so let's do some theorycraft:
1st hit crits for xxx, you gain flurry, 2nd hit hits for xxx, 3rd hit hits for xxx, 4th hit hits for xxx, flurry fades->
5th hit crits for xxx, you gain flurry,and the pattern copies itself------------->

The slower weapons the bigger hits, everybody get's this

Are nice ofcourse but don't get too much or your damage output gets negative modifier, evethough it don't look like it.
So why is that? Answer is windfury...

Has a 3second cooldown, in the current patch you can only use rank5/rank5 in order to reach out for the max dps.
Shamans are crying because in last patch it was possible to use rank5/rank4 because the 3second counter didn't work for different ranks.
SO the "dream speed" for weapons are 1.5 so that you can proc windfurys from your mainhand, this is because offhand windfurys are weaker,
than from mainhand eventho this should have been fixed.
How to reach the dream speed?
let's assumpt every selfrespecting melee shaman uses gladiator weapons(the slow ones)
those have 2.6speed so flurry gives 30%more speed -> the speed is 1.8after FLURRY
let's add the tasty trinket from Gruul, http://www.thottbot.com/i28830 this gives you a about 30%more speed, so when combined with flurry
your attacks speed drops in to 1.04 AND THAT IS FAR TOO FAST! and this is because indeed you do get more white damage,
but you get less windfury attacks. This has been mathematically proven million times before, so i'm not going to do that.
But now you should see that too much +HASTE has a negative effect to your dps as enhancement shaman.
Also notice that the more+hit you have the more windfurys you also have, but do remember the 3second rule!

Sad but true there are no way to improve the damage from your shocks instead of a crappy pvptotem http://www.thottbot.com/i27947
and the Concussion talent.
Why not flametongue weapon?
how are you going to improve your dps by any means? When you use windfury you benefit from your gear(the more AP,
the bigger windfury attacks and white hits are).THERE ARE NO MAILGEAR:that gives you +hit,+crit,ap,+spelldamage,+spellcrit,+spellhit
So at certain gear level flametongue might be as good dps as windfury, BUT you can only upgrade your windfury damage with gear,
this makes Flametongue weapon lesser.

Atleast in my SSC/THE EYE raiding guild, melee is screaming for windfurytotem! so this build improves it for 30% you really can feel the difference.
Concussion is there just to max out the damage output, BUT it's not necessary you can switch this for Convection and mental quickness.

THE GEAR(just to prove that every Karazhan raiding shaman can reach for awesome dps gear)
head: http://www.thottbot.com/i29040 with glyph of ferocity, swift skyfire diamond and bright living ruby
neck: http://www.thottbot.com/i28509
shoulder: http://www.thottbot.com/i27713 let's just assumpt your scryer(meaningless but makes the calculations more accurate)2xbright living ruby
back: http://www.thottbot.com/i28672 with +15agi enchant
chest: http://www.thottbot.com/i28599 with +6all stats
wrist: http://www.thottbot.com/i28454 with assault
weapons: slow gladiator 1handers both with mongoose
totem: http://www.thottbot.com/i27815
hands: http://www.thottbot.com/i29039 with +15str
waist: http://www.thottbot.com/i28656
legs: http://www.thottbot.com/i27936 because of the 2part setbonus! nethercobra leg armor
feet: http://www.thottbot.com/i28746 any enchant and 1x crit gem, 1x hit gem (swift skyfire reguirements)
ring1: http://www.thottbot.com/i28757
ting2: http://www.thottbot.com/i29283
trinket1: http://www.thottbot.com/i29383
trinket2: http://www.thottbot.com/i28034


this is because you will have: 246+hit/16= 15.375% + you have 9%hit from talents= 24%hit YOU WON'T MISS AGAINST BOSSES WITH WHITE ATTACKS!
(Also read the patch notes about glansing hit changes)[read white damage] "as a personal note don't overlook +hit, this mistake number one most of the noobs make!"

You will also have: about 15% crit from gear, +5crit%from base charactersheet and +5%from talents, YOU WILL HAVE FLURRY ON WHOLE THE TIME
[read white damage]

This selection of items also gives you: 1168AP and your base ap is something like 400 or 500, let's assumpt it is 400, you would have 1568AP

Because of the mongoose procs(they usually proc so that you have both on at the same time) and flurry your attack speed would be 2.6-32%= 1.7
This is almost as good as it can be, but not under 1.5[read windfury]
So no misses with white attacks against bosses->
You will have flurry and unleashed rage on constantly->
the raid benefits from you because of the improved windfury totem and improved str of earth totem(see the cyclone 2part set bonus)->
let's do some math, group consisting you, fury warrior, feral druid, and lets say 2rogues
1568AP + warriors improved battle shout 381 + your str-totem 113(shamans get 2ap from 1 strenght so 226) + feral druids leader of the pack 3crit
and a flask of relentless assault gives you

= 2294ap! (this can be even more if you have both mongooses,hourglass proc and bloodlust brooch use effect on)
so your attacks and windfurys are alot bigger than they are normally and you won't miss with whites :P

Now discuss! and remember if you post saying flametongue is better i already proved you wrong :D
#176 - July 31, 2007, 6:20 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This thread has been added to the “Informative and useful Shaman threads” compilations sticky: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=305841000&sid=1