[Population Concern] Vindication Battlegroup.

#0 - March 14, 2007, 2:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post

With the release of TBC, like many others I set sail to the new realms. I wasn't very original with my choice, picking firstly the blood elf, and secondly the paladin. But what the hell..

The problem is that, I wasn't the only one being not very original. It seems that average Alliance:Horde ratio in whole BATTLEGROUP is about 1:4 and most of the realms are still with recommended status. There are no free or paid transfers available for this group as of yet, and playing battlegrounds is simply impossible on the horde side.

This is a query for Thundgot, as he's the one in charge of managing community : What will be done in the nearest forseable future to deal with this problen? As nearest future i mean month or two at most.

The new realms are slightly underpopulated (even horde side) and I'm really afraid to check how alliance AH looks like, I bet it won't be filled up with goods.

This situation causes people from both sides, aspecially alliance to leave the realm, boring even bigger hole of faction imbalance and underpopulation.

Is there any support we can get in this case except being advised to PCT out to the old realms?

Best regards,
#6 - March 14, 2007, 5:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
It seems that average Alliance:Horde ratio in whole BATTLEGROUP is about 1:4

Quoted the core sentence of the first post, and underlined the core word in that sentence.

Vindication is actually very well balanced concerning active players of each faction. That maybe one faction isn't as interested in PvP as the other isn't really something easy to change. We will of course make sure the realms fill up even more, but the faction balance in the Battlegroup really looks quite good already.