#1 - Dec. 15, 2023, 6 p.m.
Stay up to date with World of Warcraft when you join us each week as we round up some of the latest top blue posts and discussions.
Here are this week's highlights:
- WoW Community Council Live Chat: The latest live chat occurred with Dragonflight developers on Tuesday. Watch the full recording and check out discussions happening in the council forum.
- Echoed Ephemera Changes: Multiple fixes have been deployed around this quest currency. This should allow all players who maximize this currency each week to purchase the enchantment on week five.
- Tindral Sageswift Adjustments: These changes went live earlier this week.
- Solo Shuffle Updates: Active PvP concerns are being closely watched, and a recent change went live to try and improve queue times for the Solo Shuffle PvP Brawl.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Joyous Journeys Reactivated: This buff was reactivated late last week in all regions.
- Ruby Sanctum PTR: The PTR testing for this content is planned for December 15–21.
World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery
- Class Tuning Changes: A summary of the changes that went live earlier this week included adjustments to Hunters and the Blackfathom Deeps raid.
- Latest Ashenvale PvP Updates: The latest updates to this event were posted on Thursday, including layering adjustments and the progress bar.
- WoW Community Council Live Chat: A live chat occurred with the WoW Classic developers late last week. Watch the full recording here and check out the ongoing discussion with further updates in the thread.
- This Week’s Hotfixes: The latest updates to the game were posted, including drop rates for high-level Waylaid Supplies and a reduction in gold cost for several runes.