Ok this must be some kind of joke, I can get higher ilvl from a freaking world quest emissary, then from playing pvp for a week and getting to 500 conquest.
This is one of the worst gearing systems I saw, it is worse then m+ was before TR was introduced and still they do not have and idea how to fix it, or they wont, because of “reasons”. Whole grind for that item feels like a waste of time, its worthless and its going to scraper, why do i need 375 weapon when I use 385 weapons for 2 months now, I only grind weekly conquest for a chance to get something good, NEXT WEEK!!!
Buy the time I am able to reach HC raider ilvl season will end.
This is just lazy, unethical, nasty way of time prolongation of gearing process so you have to play whole monthly sub to get a 4th good item.
By the time pvp player gets his 5th item HC raider or M+ player will be fully geared, and trying higher level content.
This system just made that gearing for pvp you do in pve content, and that is just stupid.