Protection Itemisation Feedback

#0 - March 3, 2007, 11:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Blizzard representatives say that they are listening to and interested in getting feedback from players. I still hope that is true. Both Ommra and Crezax have asked direct questions on this forum regarding paladin tanking. So here is my little compilation of what protection paladins (and others) have had to say about survivability and gear.

    Executive Summary

Paladins have the potential to become viable maintanks in raids alongside the other tanking classes. However, player feedback shows that the itemisation (and possibly talents) for protection paladins needs to be improved for the paladin to be a viable maintank in raids. Protection paladins require gear which provides more damage mitigation and more health points ("HP"), while still providing spell damage for threat generation.

Currently, protection paladins simply cannot compete alongside other tanking classes since they take too much damage and do not have enough health to withstand hard hitting mobs and bosses. Protection Paladins do not require more intellect or mana per 5 seconds since Spiritual Attunement fulfils that need.

    Stats which protection paladins are asking for
    - Stamina
    - Defense
    - Spelldamage

    Stats which protection paladins are not asking for
    - Mana per 5 seconds ("MP5")
    - Intellect
    - Spirit
    - (Strength)

Please, item developers, listen to us.

EDIT: Small change due to input from other players.
#56 - March 5, 2007, 10:46 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Thanks for this compilation, and the summary (and the time and effort put into this, much appreciated). I will make sure to pass this on.
#171 - March 20, 2007, 1:49 p.m.
Blizzard Post
As previously promised I passed this on to the developers. I took the liberty of summarising the thread; basically saying that what you are after is gear with +Stamina, +Defense and +Spell damage, and that you are not very keen on +Intelligence and MP5 (Youngblood emphasised the need for more HP and damage mitigation instead).

The devs have read this and thought it sounded fair enough. Paladin tanking gear is going to be more geared towards tanking/hp so this concern should be addressed in the next content patch.

So, again, thank you for compiling this and helping me passing your concerns on to the devs.