#0 - Nov. 19, 2007, 3:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
For some reason, Blizzard decided in patch 2.3 that they didn't like players getting skill ups between 275 and 285 from cooking food that is not Fish.

Now I've been trying to re-write my cooking guide and I'm not happy about how to tell a player to level up between 275 and 285 WITHOUT fishing.

Currently, the following recipes go grey at 275, where as they used to go grey at 300.

Monster Omelet
Tender Wolf Steak
Undermine Clam Chowder

These were three of the four recipes available to non fishermen to level up their cooking, but now they can't use them. Which leaves the only recipe available to level up between 275 and 285, a dungeon quest recipe from Dire Maul.

Runn Tum Tuber Surprise

So OK, if your level 70, then it's not a massive problem to get it. But what if your not? How hard is it to get a group to go to DM just so you can get 10 points of cooking done?.

The only recipes that will now bridge the gap now between 275 and 285 are as follows:

Grilled Squid
Hot Smoked Bass
Nightfin Soup
Poached Sunscale Salmon
Lobster Stew
Mightfish Steak
Baked Salmon

So seriously, was this an intended change to force players to either visit Dire Maul or take up fishing?

I'm very rarely dispute changes made to the game by Blizzard, as I can see why they have made them, but this one....erm....no idea why it's been done.

Yours truly
Slightly Annoyed.