16/07 Community News

#0 - July 16, 2010, 1:04 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Community News
Vaneras, Slorkuz & Wryxian 16/07/2010


WorldofWar.net have been looking through bits and pieces of Cataclysm and WoW coverage and they have gathered it all in a neat and tidy update.

WoWJuju have posted episode 3 of their Cataclysm exploration series, and in this latest episode you can learn more about Mount Hyjal.

WoW Nederland has posted a lot of updates this week and amongst them you can find a couple of videos showing the Worgen starting experience.
Also, WoW-NL now has its own twitter channel so be sure to follow that one for the latest news updates.

Battlecraft has been busy making video tours of various areas in Cataclysm.
See the Darkshore Tour - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6O8byg2xCg
The Ashenvale Tour - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNxeEyhXSPk
And we should not forget to mention the Maelstrom - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNcKmLehr50

Wow.herniweb.cz are offering Cataclysm beta live streams
And of course they have plenty of Cataclysm updates as well. This week you can find a couple of videos:
One showing various character animations - http://wow.herniweb.cz/novinky/predstaveni-goblinu-worgenu-a-nove-animace/1/
And another one showing Worgen emotes - http://wow.herniweb.cz/novinky/emoce-worgenu/1/
Also worth checking out at this site is the many neat screenshot galleries:
The Barrens and Westfall - http://wow.herniweb.cz/novinky/cataclysm-barrens-a-westfall/1/
Azshara, Redridge Mountains and Darkshore - http://wow.herniweb.cz/novinky/cataclysm-screen-3-oblasti/1/
South Barrens, Stonetalon Mountains and Duskwood - http://wow.herniweb.cz/novinky/cataclysm-oblasti-dalsi-tri-oblasti/1/

Wow.battlenet.pl also offers a live stream channel for the Cataclysm beta.

WoW.gaming.dk has written a short piece on the Cataclysm beta installation process.

Many more updates can be found on our fansites, so be sure to check them out if you do not want to miss out on anything.

World of ComicCraft:


Everybody loves a good montage.

The tank is no match for the door

Acronyms are dangerous!


The closest thing to romance in the middle of a mystifying storyline

The Orgrimmar Televised Political Debate: Part 10

A little known fact…

Other stuff:

When Azuregos was but a mere whelp, he enjoyed studying magic and protecting small fish.
You may also remember Whelpy Onyxia
and Whelpy Nefarian.

Here is a wonderful piece of machinima dedicated to the memory of Azeroth before it will be changed forever. This most certainly brings back warm memories for those of us who has been immersed in the World of Warcraft for a long time.

And last but not least, a fan-made Cataclysm trailer

Community Events:

Event: Around Azeroth We Travel!19th of July at 19:00
Description: Here is your chance to join a memorable camping trip around Azeroth. A world filled with wonders and secrets will now open for you, friend.
Realm: Argent Dawn
Organized by: The Sunwarders
More Information: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=13816850098&sid=1

Have a magnificent weekend everybody! :-)

* Links on this news post may expire over time and some are created by other companies/individuals that are neither affiliated with nor supported by Blizzard Entertainment.
#2 - July 19, 2010, 3:07 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Not bad ;)

The great Anvilbeard returns.. Haven't seen you in ages :-)