To all the "we won" thread makers.

#0 - July 9, 2010, 7:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We didn't win JACK #@%#.

The only ones who won were all the forum trolls and QQers because they have a loud voice and a small brain, and for some reason Blizzard listens to them.

This place will continue to be a crock of #@%#, full of trolls, idiots that post one-liners and offtopic and morons that can't spell for #@%#...
Blizzard's REAL ID change was an awesome idea that would have cleaned up this place or at the very least discourage said idiots from joining...

As soon as you people realise that THERE IS NO REAL FREAKING PRIVACY ON THE INTERNET, the better and more civilised the internet will become.

I apologise for swearing, it is my method of enforcing my points of view, and it tends to work well, with the only problem that i get suspended and banned alot for doing it.

However, I am POSITIVE that what I just said is exactly what Blizzard would want to say, but only they don't because of fear or losing subscriptions.

Grow the @*!! up, there is no safe haven in this world... And the internet should not be different.

Edit: My name is Thomas Edward Victor Maximillian, and I am from Ploiesti, Romania.
I do not endorse name/sex/age privacy on the INTERNET, with the exception of sensitive data like card numbers, exact address, SSN, etc.
If you want privacy, stay at home and get off the internet, because that's the only place where you truly have privacy.

You are foolish and blind if you think otherwise.
#58 - July 9, 2010, 8:36 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Locking this due to foul language.

Please try and be more constructive when posting on these forums from now on.