#0 - June 24, 2010, 8:42 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Previous thread: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=13705611730&sid=1

New Player Realms
Normal/PvE: Mazrigos
PvP: Dentarg

Free Character Moves (FCM)
There are no Free Character Moves available at this time.

Please note: FCMs are opened based on realm population tracking and analysis and not by request. If you're looking for a specific Character Move (from realm A to realm B), you are in most cases better off using Paid Character Transfer, or you could end up waiting for a very long time.

For more information on FCMs, please check our Support FAQ:

Paid Character Transfers (PCT)
All English realms follow the regular PCT rules, found here: