The weaknes of fishing and having GS

#0 - May 27, 2010, 12:07 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Just to have some inner peace in my mind, I was fishing in the little pool in Orgrimmar just to notice a spam with ICC25 ALMOST FULL! NEED ONE MORE! So why not? I asked him to invite me. However, when being invited which is from a recent conversation:

Me: Thanks for the invite, and good it's full! :) Is there any summon? My HS is on CD.
Some Random Noob: Omgzor, he is in 2.5k GS ! KICK HIM OR I LEAVE
Me: Wait, I'm just in my fis....
You have been removed from the group.

True story. This warning goes out to all fishing people! Do not WEAR fishing gear when being invited to a raid.
#156 - May 27, 2010, 7:09 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This thread has derailed into a flamefest. Locking the thread and deleting the worst posts.

Please respect the forum rules and keep a civil tone when posting on these forums. Failure to respect the forum rules can easily result in a forum ban, so please think twice before hitting that post button.