Recruit A Freind | Simple Question

#0 - April 28, 2010, noon
Blizzard Post
Hi All,

Sorry if this is a really obvious "no" to the question im about to ask. I recently got my friend back into wow with a new account and he's signed up within the last few days.

However I completely forgot about the recruit a friend bonus.

Is there anyway I could raise a support ticket for all the bonus goodies?

Many thanks in advance

#1 - April 28, 2010, 1:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Hi All,

Sorry if this is a really obvious "no" to the question im about to ask. I recently got my friend back into wow with a new account and he's signed up within the last few days.

However I completely forgot about the recruit a friend bonus.

Is there anyway I could raise a support ticket for all the bonus goodies?

Many thanks in advance
This isn't possible, I'm afraid. A link cannot be made between accounts that already exist.