Tournament invite - Scam!

#0 - April 29, 2010, 9:19 a.m.
Blizzard Post
This was a new scam/phishing email I got today, just a heads up:


Registration for the 2010 World of Warcraft Arena Tournament is now open. We invite the most dedicated and skilled Arena combatants around the world to enter the new World of Warcraft Global Arena Tournament!

Ever wanted to try a particular race and class combo in Arena? The tournament gives you the chance to make your ideal gladiator. With your three available character slots, you can freely experiment with different combinations �?and coordinate with others to craft a “dream team.�?BR>
On tournament realms, you can roam free on the original continents of Azeroth and Kalimdor. However, instance portals leading to dungeons, Battlegrounds, Outland, and Northrend are deactivated, and not accessible on tournament realms. There are also no computer-controlled enemies anywhere in the world.

You can use the following link to register for the Global Arena Tournament now! >snipped link>


Blizzard Entertainment

Removed links.
#3 - April 29, 2010, 10:41 a.m.
Blizzard Post
It's a scam!

Main clue to this is that we call it the 2010 World of Warcraft Arena Pass, and not the 2010 World of Warcraft Arena Tournament .

Also, we never sent out such mails to people.

If you wish to register for the 2010 World of Warcraft Arena Pass, be sure to do so on our page right here: