Ergh last shot.

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#0 - April 29, 2010, 10:31 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I felt the other posts lacked valid points i wanted to make and discuss, seeing as the first post was a QQ from some troll obviously wasnt going anywere, vaneras if you stopped locking my threads for one second so i could reply, i wouldnt have had to write this one.

Im not even that bothered tbh just wanted to give my point of view, only thing thats silly now is how the first thing you seem to look at is the QQ and lock it.

Anyway your clearly uninterested so not much point in trying to have a discussion about this.
#15 - April 29, 2010, 10:55 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I felt the other posts lacked valid points i wanted to make and discuss, seeing as the first post was a QQ from some troll obviously wasnt going anywere, vaneras if you stopped locking my threads for one second so i could reply, i wouldnt have had to write this one.

Im not even that bothered tbh just wanted to give my point of view, only thing thats silly now is how the first thing you seem to look at is the QQ and lock it.

Anyway your clearly uninterested so not much point in trying to have a discussion about this.

I am sure that you would be able to discuss and make your point of view clear in one of the existing threads on that topic, even if you do not like the post of the thread creator. A discussion is not all about the initial argument afterall.

Again, this thread is being locked as it is in violation of the forum rules. Since you clearly have not familiarized yourself with the forum rules, I suggest that you spend a little time reading them before you post again.

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