Have you ever let someone die in WoW?

#0 - Feb. 26, 2010, 10:18 a.m.
Blizzard Post
As a healer I would like to know if it is just me or have other healers done the same;

Have you been tee'd off with a player in a grp/raid and watched them die/made sure they got no heals and die.......... and is it me or is that just far more pleasurable than I think it should be?
#13 - Feb. 26, 2010, 11:07 a.m.
Blizzard Post
When I was more active on my healing priest this kind of question did cross my mind a few times and yeah sometimes a person's attitude towards me or others in the group influenced the quality of the healing I provided them. I'm not sure I can outright say I let someone die though. But I certainly might have left someone with low health just long enough so that they might reconsider their attitude (well, if they're smart enough to realise what's going on and wise enough to learn from it.)