Things that make you laugh in WoW!

#0 - Dec. 1, 2009, 5:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Is there anything in Warcraft that just makes you crack up?

Probably sounds daft but whenever I hear a male human death cry, I start giggling! Just sounds hilarious! Same with male trolls!

Murloc's running also does that to me...

I ended up making a character just for being stupid and having fun with! (for the imature side of me mainly...) blowing kisses to tough looking men in my lil tight human male pants. lol! Or when glitches happen... Hell YES! ;)

I love WoW for so many reasons. One of them is because it can make me laugh when I least expect it.
#22 - Dec. 2, 2009, 8:29 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Laughing - a portal to happiness! There's quite a lot of things that make me laugh in-game, including, but not limited to:

Millhouse "I'm gonna light you up, sweet cheeks" Manastorm
Blackheart the Inciter (of Chaos)
My mate Steve who says the funniest of things at the most opportune moments.

I like this thread! We'd love to hear about more of the things that make you guys and girls chuckle!
#27 - Dec. 2, 2009, 9:37 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Mr. Gorloc, you made a typo :o
just pointing it out ;)
Fixed, thanks!