Why Haven't We Got Player Housing?

#0 - Nov. 30, 2009, 12:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post
So, yeah, can anyone remember what Blizzard's justification for not having player housing in game is? This is just starting to get to a level of ridiculous, now. I think the vast majority of people want player housing, as it is such a diverse thing and useful to so many.

So, why don't we have it, yet? Hell, even EQ2 has it.
#81 - Dec. 2, 2009, 11 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
So, yeah, can anyone remember what Blizzard's justification for not having player housing in game is? This is just starting to get to a level of ridiculous, now. I think the vast majority of people want player housing, as it is such a diverse thing and useful to so many.

So, why don't we have it, yet? Hell, even EQ2 has it.
We like the idea of player housing, but to do it properly would be an mammoth task that would consume hundreds, even thousands of work hours to get to a level you (and us alike) would be happy with. It's not something we are ignoring, and certainly something that is on the minds of people here.

If player housing was to be a delicious meal, it would not be in sitting on a furiously hot hob ready to be eaten in the near future, but rather an conceptual meal that sits on the back-burners (oh the pun), and we all know a slow cooked and well thought out meal tastes best.