Sham/Lock vs double DPS - help requested..

#0 - Sept. 28, 2009, 10:04 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Ive been playing some 2s with an afflic lock who has now switched to destro, we are both pretty new to the comp and have made around 1600 ish so far in the last couple of weeks...

I tend to stack SP\Int with some hit and run around 850-900 res as most of the time my lock gets focused not around +2250 + heal and 17200ish mana now. relentless offpieces and furious/deadly main set with 1 hateful left iirc.

My standard heal sequence is Riptide>LHW>LHW with the odd HW thrown in for heavy damage or panic situations. Tidal force used when off CD or needed urgently. I ES whoever they focus, obv and drink whenever I can.

Vs rogue + healer teams we tend to do OK if we can keep some distance..this avoids the sap>blind problem. Normally if we survive the opening we outlast rog + healer teams but I do need to drink at every chance.

Vs Warr + healer teams the only way to win seems to be to CC the warr early and go all out on the healer, this seems to win us maybe 25% of games. If the warr gets set on my lock he cant get away the MS sends me OOM after a couple of minutes.A good CC rotation wins these games.

We seem to do pretty well vs ret/hunter/dk etc + healer teams. We tend to either outlast/OOM them or get a kill on one or the other with a fear>hex chain on one or the other.

Shamans are trickier ofc cos of tremor. Geared druids are also tough to kill but tend to die eventually with purge/silence on them or a surprise destro wotlk lolburst.

Our biggest problems are vs double DPS teams, especially ones containing a rogue. I read that getting into combat early and avoiding sap can work, so we have tried rushing the enemy that we can see and opening on him. However, this can leave me open and I die fast if they both set up on me. Staying apart can help, so that sap wears off on me and I can get into position to heal.

Vs double DPS in general we win if we survive the first few seconds of burst but thats rare. we faced a wall of 2x DPs yesterday and went from touching 1600 downward. Lock/rogue, mage/rogue or ret/rogue seem almost impossible. One ret/rogue did 90k of DPS on us in what felt like a few seconds(we managed 25-30) and that was that even with all cooldowns blown and every defensive tactic used. I was healing flat out then I died.

The problem is CC. If I avoid sap, I get blind, the pala can HoJ if I dont get grounding down, if its a mage ofc he can spam sheep etc. Since the cleansing nerf (ty Dks) it seems almost impossible to get away from rogues as they just reapply poisons quicker than I can clean them with cleanse spirit + totem down. The games go like this:

I totem x4, ES me, riptide me, drop stoneclaw and try to stay out of sight. They rush either the lock or me, I trinket one CC, catch another then they unload ridiculous amounts of burst which is unhealable. My lock is running decent gear and sometimes dies while I am full burn healing him. I basically stand healing flat out and hoping that I dont catch a CC, cos if I miss one heal he dies.

If they set up on me the number of interrupts they have mean its imposssible to heal. In one game we took 65k of DPS from a rog/mage and got one heal off after their interrupts/CC. Sap/blind/sheep/frost nova/kick >gg. Pillar kiting helps a bit but they catch me after a while.

If a rogue focuses my lock its almost impossible for him to cast or try to get a fear off.

So...any tips vs our problem combos or general tips from high rated lock/shaman teams?

There are some 2v2 strats on AJ but they are a bit outdated..
I also seem to remember that in the past double dps teams tended to disappear above 1800 ish, not sure if this is still true.

Thanks for any help..yesterday was pretty depressing.
There are some really fun games with tacs/positioning etc and we win 10 hard points then the next game lasts 10 seconds and we drop again.

TL;DR: WTF for sham/lock to do vs burst from double DPS containing rouge -> QQ.

#12 - Sept. 28, 2009, 2:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Lending this thread a 'lil visibility. Perhaps more of our forum strategists can chime in with ideas and thoughts? :)