Now we will have full instancing...

#0 - Sept. 1, 2009, 2:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
When Cataclysm hits we will apparently have full instancing right accross the board.. I think it would be fantastic to have to actually retake areas like the plague lands... scourge working their asses off to keep the cauldrons running.. whilst players fight to throw in the agents that destroy them.. slowely watch the plaguelands come back to life.. yeah, would take a while, but boy would it be rewarding.

and of course, once the realm event of 'Plaguelands retaken' is met.. all truces go out the window as the fight for resources begins.. Horde take Darrowshire and rebuild, Alliance take Stratholme..

Of course, then the scourge can corrupt the thousand souls that lie under the Lights Hope Chapel, and a huge three way battle can begin..

Well the last bit is silly... but the power of instancing which we have already seen with DK's leads to a lot of GREAT possibilities
#1 - Sept. 1, 2009, 2:32 p.m.
Blizzard Post
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