Buy more instance servers, and do it now

#0 - Aug. 31, 2009, 7:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
So this might have been taken up before. We all remeber the horror it was when the achivment's was introduced. Getting instance is full all the time, while ppl raced to get their achviments.

Well the situation on Draenor and I'm many other servers are now to much to handle.

So to day my 10 man guild was ready to get our very first tries on Yogg. We all meet up at our start time 19.45 and guess what. Ulduar was full. My guild and like 7-10 others was left outside. We keept trying for about 1 hr before we just gave up.

Now this has to stopp. Not beeing able to play the game we pay for. YES we do pay for this game, and then not beeing able to acctualy play/raid at our will is not acceptable.

You make millions of euros every month, buying a couple of new servers and use them as instance servers should be no problem at all. It's is redicolus that 6-8 guilds are left outside and beeing not able to raid couse Blizzard is to cheap to fix the problem.

Fix it and do it now. This is just plain we don't care attitude by blizzard.

And your sorry excuses is not enough, plz try again later. So we should raid at 11 in the morning perhaps???? We do have school and jobbs you know.

Your product is not working, fix it.
#19 - Aug. 31, 2009, 8:54 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Please refer your attention to the following thread: