Character locked? HELP =d

#0 - Aug. 7, 2009, 2:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Right, I started off as a trial account (my friend referred me). I recently upgraded to a classic account, reached 60 and thought yeah, let's go for the expansion (TBC). So I went on the account management thing and clicked the 10 day free trial for TBC. The page had an error, and didn't finish loading, so I cancelled, and I thought why not just purchase TBC online through the account management, so I did. My friend used his card for me, and upgraded successfully to TBC.

All was good, started Outland, got to level 61 with no problems, then I logged out for a few hours this morning, just came back an hour ago and tried to log in, "Character locked, contact billing for more info". So I went on account management again to check things out, maybe incase I had a ban or whatever. There was nothing there, except it says at the top "Classic account". Which isn't right at all, since I upgraded it, started Outland and levelled past 60.

Also my friend checked with his bank and the £9.99 had gone out of his account for TBC upgrade payment. I'm not sure if it messed up when I clicked the 10 day free trial, and the page didn't load, but I'm not too happy about this, since the payment has definitely been confirmed, and I'm still a Classic account. I checked to see if I could make new characters, and I could, but not a Draenei or Blood Elf, it said "TBC required".

Sooo.. basically, I just wondered if anybody knew what to do, I can't really phone today as I'm in work soon, and the phone queues are ridiculous, I had my account hacked and merged last week and I waited 2 hours to get through! :P not good.

Hopefully a GM can look in to this for me and maybe upgrade my account, the name of the locked character is the one I'm posting with, Unlikely, and I'm on the Defias Brotherhood server.

Thanks in advance, I might not be able to check the forum again till later on tonight.
#1 - Aug. 7, 2009, 4:10 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
"Character locked, contact billing for more info".
You should contact the billing support folks as recommended: