Additional Money Can't be Hoarded.

#0 - Aug. 7, 2009, 2:07 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Please try again later...

Today wasted 1 hour in front of an instance and couldnt enter. It is like this every day. This stupid thing started like 1 year ago ? And we are getting it in increased amounts...

How the hell it cant be fixed by adding additonal hardware as instance servers? Isnt the money blizzard gets enough to buy more hardware ?

I am really wondering, if it was the money collecting system that was needed to be fixed, would it take more than 1 hour to fix it ?

I wont go whine about quitting or anything since there is no game out there anywhere close to %15 of wow's quality. I wish there were so i wouldnt stuck with Blizzard's slowness when it comes to fix things or add new content.

But one really wonders, a pig problem is there for like 1 year and nothing is done to fix it. At least i am not seeing any result. Pls dont tell me to migrate to an empty server. I was in this server when it was fine. Why i am getting punished because of it is getting crowded.
#1 - Aug. 7, 2009, 2:11 p.m.
Blizzard Post