FEEDBACK: Imperial Vizier Zor'lok (25 Heroic)

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Game Designer
#1 - Aug. 11, 2012, 10:15 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This is the feedback thread for testing of the 25-player Heroic version of the Imperial Vizier Zor'lok encounter in Heart of Fear.
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Game Designer
#15 - Aug. 12, 2012, 12:13 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Just to touch briefly on the perceived 10 vs. 25 tuning: 10-player testing happened first. In many cases, in response to what we saw there, we increased the difficulty of the encounter overall, in both 10-player and 25-player mode. So now you're seeing 25-player versions that reflect buffs to mechanics that weren't in place when the 10-player versions were tested. (Edit: For a specific example, the current 10H damage of Force and Verve is precisely identical to the 25-Heroic numbers you saw today. We buffed the mechanic after 10H testing.)

The intent is for the difficulty to be comparable. While not directly relevant to difficulty or tuning, it may also be worth noting that 25-player bosses drop 6 items in both Normal and Heroic difficulty now, instead of just in Heroic, and that the 25-player versions will drop 3 set tokens, instead of the 2 seen in Dragon Soul.

Now, none of this is to say that our numbers aren't simply off the mark in many cases, but we're continuing to iterate on those numbers. For example, the melee damage dealt to tanks in the 25-player versions of many encounters was excessive, and we've been making adjustments there and will continue to do so. Specific feedback is always helpful.

After we finish with the remaining 25-player Heroic encounters that still need to be tested, we're going to go back and do a second testing pass on a number of encounters, both in 10- and 25-player mode, and in Normal and Heroic difficulty, where we feel that more data and feedback would be of use.