Request: New Macro Conditionals

#1 - July 16, 2012, 11:41 p.m.
Blizzard Post
If possible, it would be most beneficial if we had the following macro conditionals added, so we can detect some things that we aren't able to detect in the secure environment:
* One for detecting when the user is/is not in a pet battle, ex [petbattleui]
* One for detecting if the user has a possess bar or not, ex [possessui]. This is possible in live currently, by the macro conditional, [bonusbar:5]. This no longer works in the beta.
* One for detecting if the user has an extra action bar or not, ex [extraactionbar]. It is somewhat possible to detect the extra action bar now, but it is a bit cumbersome to do.
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#5 - July 20, 2012, 5:44 p.m.
Blizzard Post
A [petbattle] macro conditional will be in an upcoming beta build.

Thanks for the feedback!
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Community Manager
#9 - July 24, 2012, 1:04 a.m.
Blizzard Post
In a future beta build, we're adding the following macro conditionals:
"possessbar", "overridebar", "extrabar".