LOL @ Warlock QQ's HAHAHAH!

#0 - Oct. 5, 2007, 9:15 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Oh my it's great seeing all of your tears flow like rapid rivers! Finally Blizzard is nerfing your overpowered class to getting you closer to a BALANCED state and you start to QQ because you are being put in your place hahaha! Suck it! Welcome to being balanced n00bs. I can't wait for when the next patch comes and the Rogue Wounds and Warrior's mortal strike skills will now effect your drain life. :) Keep crying its great!! Now blizzard just needs to nerf you just a tad more to get your overpowered class to a balanced state. QQ more, now you will have to learn2play instead of having it easy god mode. hahahaha!
#34 - Oct. 5, 2007, 11:28 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Oh my it's great seeing all of your tears flow like rapid rivers! Finally Blizzard is nerfing your overpowered class to getting you closer to a BALANCED state and you start to QQ because you are being put in your place hahaha! Suck it! Welcome to being balanced n00bs. I can't wait for when the next patch comes and the Rogue Wounds and Warrior's mortal strike skills will now effect your drain life. :) Keep crying its great!! Now blizzard just needs to nerf you just a tad more to get your overpowered class to a balanced state. QQ more, now you will have to learn2play instead of having it easy god mode. hahahaha!

The irony is it sounds like you probably did a lot of QQ'ing prior to the 2.2 patch. There wasn't a great deal of gloating coming from Warlocks prior to the patch, and I haven't seen a whole lot of crying since the patch.

Please don't troll here. Your comments are immature and a little unfounded.