Test Request: Armor Type Changes

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Quality Assurance
#1 - June 1, 2016, 12:43 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Do you have Transmog items you’ve been holding onto for a very long time? Are you a Hunter, Shaman, Warrior or Paladin? In order to streamline leveling we made a change to armor proficiencies:
Hunters and Shaman can now equip Mail armor from level 1 (down from level 40).
Warriors and Paladins can now equip Plate armor from level 1 (down from level 40).

In order to facilitate this we’ve also changed some lower level items from Leather to Mail, and some Mail Items to Plate, to match their intended class at those levels.

Pre-Legion: A Level 30 Mail Chestpiece drops from a dungeon that has Strength on it (intended for Paladins or Warriors)
Legion: That same Chestpiece would be plate, since Warriors and Paladins use Plate starting at level 1.

While we think this change is positive for the game and for new characters, this could lead to some appearances being un-transmoggable for these classes. We’d like some help in identifying changed items that were once Leather or Mail, and there are no other items with a similar appearance or color shift for their original armor type. We’re also looking for items that can no longer be obtained in Legion, but have a unique appearance that cannot be found anywhere else in the game.

Basically, if an item you have has been converted to another armor type and there’s no other item like it, let us know below. Even if it’s not a bug, we’ll see if it’s something we can add in the future.
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Quality Assurance
#3 - June 1, 2016, 12:57 a.m.
Blizzard Post
05/31/2016 05:49 PMPosted by Erikk
Does this mean we can make level 1's on beta server now?

At the moment, no, you'll still be at level 100. is there anything specific that you wouldn't be able to test at 100?
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Quality Assurance
#7 - June 1, 2016, 2:16 a.m.
Blizzard Post
05/31/2016 06:43 PMPosted by Prazerox
I don't know what the rules to make a iten become plate or mail but those sets i linked below and its recolour is much used for hunter's and shaman's transmog... it's doesn't have strenght or agility, but have RANDON enchancements...


How this will work for them? any rules or anything?
I hope this continue as mail or have a mail and plate versions because i love them

Good question, I'll try to find out. I would imagine items like this to stay as whatever armor type they were originally, since they weren't definitively for warriors/paladins.
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Quality Assurance
#16 - June 1, 2016, 4:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post
To be able to properly test this I would need to be able to do character copies to track items that are and are not plate. I have a variety of mail items amongst my characters (such as the scarlet set, and quest rewards from both pre cata and post cata) that would be needed for testing in this.

Does this mean we will get character copies to help us facilitate this?

Agreed that this testing would be helped by Character Copy from live. I was just curious if I was missing something that would be easier with enabling level 1 character creation again.
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Game Designer
#81 - June 24, 2016, 2:15 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Cross-post: all BoE items that are Mail on live servers should be Mail once again in Legion. Please let us know if we missed any.