New Logging Feature: COMBATANT_INFO

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#1 - Jan. 13, 2016, 11:45 p.m.
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Today’s Alpha build includes a new logging feature when Advanced Combat Log is turned on. Whenever an ENCOUNTER_START event occurs, a new “COMBATANT_INFO” log line will also be printed for each player in the instance. The current data structure for COMBATANT_INFO is as follows, but is subject to change based on feedback and technical needs:

COMBATANT_INFO,playerGUID,Strength,Agility,Stamina,Intelligence,Dodge,Parry,Block,CritMelee,CritRanged,CritSpell,Speed,Lifesteal,HasteMelee,HasteRanged,HasteSpell,Avoidance,Mastery,VersatilityDamageDone,VersatilityHealingDone,VersatilityDamageTaken,Armor,CurrentSpecID,(Class Talent 1, ...),(PvP Talent 1, ...),[Artifact Trait ID 1, Trait Effective Level 1, ...],[(Equipped Item ID 1,Equipped Item iLvL 1,(Permanent Enchant ID, Temp Enchant ID, On Use Spell Enchant ID),(Bonus List ID 1, ...),(Gem ID 1, Gem iLvL 1, ...)) ...],[Interesting Aura Caster GUID 1, Interesting Aura Spell ID 1, ...]

Some clarifications about a few of those elements:

  • Stats – Those are the current stat values at the time of the log line. Secondary stats are in terms of the Rating amount, not a %.
  • Armor – This is the Armor amount before multipliers (such as Bear Form).
  • Talents – A list of the selected talents. Today’s build will print this ID as a TalentID, a record type that is not dataminable. This will be fixed in a future build to be the SpellID of the talent.
  • Artifact Traits – This will be a list of the selected traits for the character’s current specialization’s artifact (even if it’s not equipped). The Artifact Trait ID is an ID to a new record type to 7.0, which should be dataminable already. Trait Effective Level is the number of points placed in that talent. Note that some Relics will allow this to go beyond the max.
  • Equipment – This is a list of all equipped gear on the character. The first ID is the standard Item ID of the item, followed by its ilvl. After that is a list of enchants on the item, one of each of the 3 possible enchantment types (using the ItemEnchantment ID).
  • Interesting Auras – This is a list of interesting auras (buffs/debuffs) that we have manually flagged to be included in this log line. We’ll welcome feedback about what should be included here but currently plan for set bonuses, well fed, flasks, combat potions, Vantus runes, and player buffs. Nothing has been flagged for this yet, so you won’t see anything here in the current build.

The easiest way to test this is likely via dungeon bosses. Give it a try, and let us know how it works for you, whether there’s any key information that you think is missing, what other interesting auras you’d like to see, etc. There are certainly technical limitations involved here, so we may not be able to fill every request, but we’ll do what we can! Thanks!

EDIT 1/20/2016: Updated the format to include Item Bonus List IDs.
EDIT 2/10/2016: Updated the format to include Armor.
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#3 - Jan. 14, 2016, 12:01 a.m.
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01/13/2016 03:56 PMPosted by Aladya
Any permanent output increase buff from another player such as Mark of the Wild, Blessing of.., etc

Forgot to say that, but yes, that's planned as well. Edited that in to the above post. Thanks!
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#8 - Jan. 14, 2016, 2:43 a.m.
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There are a lot of great questions being asked in here, but please put questions not about COMBATANT_INFO in new threads. Thanks!
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#19 - Jan. 15, 2016, 5:07 a.m.
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01/14/2016 11:39 AMPosted by Yellowfive
With just the item IDs, enchant, and gems... you really can't recreate a person's gear. For the most part this gear data can only be used to do things like figure out which special trinket a person used, or if they have a set bonus active, which gear-related procs they have, etc. It would be awesome if we could have the full information needed to recreate a person's gear (basically what an item link in-game has):

- item ID
- bonus IDs
- suffix ID (only necessary on legacy items)
- upgrade ID
- gem IDs
- enchant ID

Regarding enchant ID... the format above mentions 3 enchant IDs... usually all that we need is the enchant ID as you would see it in the Armory (which I'm assuming is the permanent enchant ID). I'm more familiar with a static gear perspective... what kind of things are the other two enchants used for that are common?

The Item level is included in there as well, which shortcuts the bonus/upgrade (and suffix will continue to be inconsequential). You should have everything you need to reconstruct their gear. On Use enchants are for things like the Nitro Boost belt attachment from engineering. Temporary enchants are for things like Rogue Poisons.

01/14/2016 11:39 AMPosted by Yellowfive
Also, we would probably want to know which slot the items are equipped in. This isn't a huge deal with artifact weapons... but for a future-proof design, being able to consistently tell which weapon is in the main hand vs. off hand is important information. The slot could be implied by the order that the items are listed for brevity, but that would require a blank entry for a blank slot.

I don't believe we're currently including blanks, but the order would be consistent.

01/14/2016 11:39 AMPosted by Yellowfive
With the full gear data, the stats section becomes a bit redundant I think. You can calculate the stats from the state of the player. Also, I'm not sure how much value we'll get out of a snapshot of stats at fight start... stats will move around as buffs come and go during a fight. Having the full picture of the character's gear will go much further towards doing stat-related analysis of log data.

True, but the stats shortcut a ton of work for developers that don't already have (or want to build) that huge process. It also provides validation, of course.

01/14/2016 11:39 AMPosted by Yellowfive
If you look at that list... it actually includes most of the auras that a player would have on the pull. It almost seems like it would be easier and require far less maintenance to just include every aura.

Everything you listed, we would flag, and more (such as set bonuses, and legendary effects). Including all auras is not feasible; there are tons and tons and tons of aura, some visible, some not visible.

01/14/2016 03:29 PMPosted by Yellowfive
When I get to thinking about using those stats... I run into problems. If the snapshot happens with a pre-potion active, well now I need to adjust for that or it will seem like everyone has way too much of their primary stat. Or what if a person hits an on-use trinket just before the pull accidentally and jacks up a stat?

We're not currently planning for potions to be stat-based right now, but it's still a valid point due to Use trinkets, if nothing else. The trinket aura would be flagged as interesting, and you'd have to factor it out. Not ideal, I know, but that's a technical limitation at the moment. Those of you who are fully reconstructing the character can likely ignore the stats and use your reconstructed values.
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#22 - Jan. 15, 2016, 11:29 a.m.
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01/15/2016 12:31 AMPosted by Yellowfive
Cool, yeah most bonus IDs should be relatively easy to determine from the item level. The only bonuses that would be tricky are things like stat variations on e.g. crafted or baleful items, and bonus minor stats on items. Using the stats you could determine that they have e.g. ~3 items with movement speed... but you wouldn't really know how much and on which items.

You shouldn't need any guessing. Random tertiaries and sockets are a great point about being missing; I'll follow up on that. You really should have everything you need to reconstruct their gear.
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#29 - Jan. 20, 2016, 2:36 a.m.
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01/17/2016 01:02 PMPosted by Karuzo
@Celestalon: Don't forget people can swap weapons in a fight for various reasons.. to use different enchants or to have specific speed for their opener.. I don't know if the combatant info section will only state the initial weapon used? Although will people even consider this with Artifact weapons now that I think about it...

Technically, It'll show equipped weapon in the list of equipped items. In the section of artifact traits, it'll show the traits of the current spec's artifact, wherever it is. However, as you realized, there would be no reason not to have your correct artifact equipped for 7.0 content.
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#30 - Jan. 20, 2016, 9 p.m.
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Bonus List IDs have been added into the item data, after the enchants. The new format will be...

COMBATANT_INFO,playerGUID,Strength,Agility,Stamina,Intelligence,Dodge,Parry,Block,CritMelee,CritRanged,CritSpell,Speed,Lifesteal,HasteMelee,HasteRanged,HasteSpell,Avoidance,Mastery,VersatilityDamageDone,VersatilityHealingDone,VersatilityDamageTaken,CurrentSpecID,(Class Talent 1, ...),(PvP Talent 1, ...),[Artifact Trait ID 1, Trait Effective Level 1, ...],[(Equipped Item ID 1,Equipped Item iLvL 1,(Permanent Enchant ID, Temp Enchant ID, On Use Spell Enchant ID),(Bonus List ID 1, ...),(Gem ID 1, Gem iLvL 1, ...)) ...],[Interesting Aura Caster GUID 1, Interesting Aura Spell ID 1, ...]

As usual, we're working on builds of the game that are ahead of what is on Alpha. This change will likely make it into the next Alpha build, but 100% certain. If not, it'll be in the one after that.
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#35 - Feb. 11, 2016, 9:16 p.m.
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UPDATE: Yesterday's build should now include Armor.
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#38 - April 13, 2016, 6:24 p.m.
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FYI, today’s build should finally include the Interesting Auras data. Let us know how that works out.