Is AndyB coming back?

#1 - Jan. 17, 2022, 7:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Just wondering since it’s been mostly Jodie (who’s not bad at all) but I really thought he towed the line extremely well when it came to handling player sentiment.

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#16 - Jan. 18, 2022, 6:34 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Y’all! Andy never left us!! :sweat_smile:

It probably feels like that since I have been trying to spend more time with y’all on the forums, but I promise he’s here!! :slight_smile:

To speak to the other subject in this post, it can be difficult to quantify what Community Management is because our goals are qualitative. Our pro strats are driven by sentiment, awareness, engagement and building a healthy ecosystem around a game we love!

Blizzard is special to me because of how involved the community team is in the development process. Team 4 puts a lot of value on my team because of how much they value the Overwatch community-- which is all of you.

I am going to let Andy know that you miss him, and I promise you will be seeing more of us both from now on. :blue_heart:

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#19 - Jan. 18, 2022, 6:44 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Fair! But this one is from ME. :smirk_cat:

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#28 - Jan. 18, 2022, 7:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post

I said this in a previous thread, however it bears repeating here: the majority of my focus for the last month and change has been on strategic planning and alignment (since before the holiday break). This is normal for management around the start of the calendar year.

WyomingMyst and Jodie both did a great job of describing many of the responsibilities of the community discipline. This is on top of several hours of meetings/day.

I don’t tend to lean on titles in public (I don’t think they matter to players in the vast majority of situations, which is why all of our titles on the forums are “Community Manager”). As the team lead, over time I’ll naturally be focusing less on the day to day tactics, and more on team/community goals and strategy. As the team grows, I’d expect to see less of me day to day, but much more of folks like Jodie (and our eventual teammates).

I’m certain that it may disappoint some of you that I do not, in fact, sit on the forums with solitaire open in another window all day. Although, let be real…if it was on brand it would be Hearthstone.

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#36 - Jan. 18, 2022, 11:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post

I’ll still be around and reading forums/reddit/Twitch chat/Discord/etc… daily. It’s important as part of the team that I stay connected with your experience, all with the goal of being an effective advocate internally.

You’ll not be rid of me that easily