#1 - Nov. 12, 2020, 6:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Hey all! We added a LOT of new things to Hearthstone today. As expected with a major update such as this, there are a few bugs and other issues on our radar that we’ll be investigating. If you encounter a bug with this patch, let us know in this thread. You can find the issues we’re currently tracking below, pardon our dust!

  • We’re aware of and working on a fix for Duels matches not rewarding XP.
  • We’re aware of and working on a fix for Madness of the Darkmoon Faire cards not showing up in Duels loot buckets. This can cause empty loot buckets to show up as well.
  • We’re aware of a bug where some actions, such as editing or deleting existing decks, are being incorrectly tied to unlocking the Demon Hunter. We’re planning to address this in a future patch. The current workaround is to play through the Demon Hunter Prologue and unlock the class.
  • We’re aware of several older pack reward pop ups being displayed on login related to Duels and Master of Everything.
  • We’re aware of and tracking several visual bugs introduced with this patch.
  • We’re investigating a bug where the Samsung Galaxy card back is missing from accounts that have earned it.
  • We’re investigating an issue which may impact minimum spec mobile devices (those with fewer than 2GB of memory) on this patch which may result in degraded performance. This behavior may be triggered by accessing the new in-game Journal. We’re advising players to exit and relaunch Hearthstone if they encounter these issues.
  • We’re aware of and investigating incorrect progress being shown for Solo Adventure Achievements.
  • There is a known issue that sometimes causes Collection Achievements to appear to have incorrect progress—this will be fixed in an upcoming patch. When that happens, Collection Achievements will update to the correct progress, but no Achievements will be taken away.
  • The descriptions for the following Achievements around controlling minions meeting certain criteria are rather unclear. Specifically, these Achievements check that you are meeting their criteria at the end of your turn. These descriptions will be updated in a future patch (For example, “Control a minion 20/20 or larger" will be updated to something along the lines of “End your turn with a minion 20/20 or larger in play.”):
    • An Even Larger Man
    • Unique, Just Like Everyone Else
    • Not So Lonely
    • Ride Together, Die Together
    • Hall of Mirrors
    • Coulrophobia
    • My Shiny Fangs and Me