#1 - March 17, 2023, 7:29 p.m.
Patch 25.6.1 is a server-side hotfix patch now live in all regions. It includes the following game updates:
Battlegrounds Updates
The following heroes were adjusted to have more Armor:
- Aranna Starseeker now has 20 Armor.
- Captain Hooktusk now has 14 Armor.
- Drek’Thar now has 17 Armor.
- Enhance-o Mechano now has 18 Armor.
- Galakrond now has 18 Armor.
- Galewing now has 12 Armor.
- Illidan Stormrage now has 18 Armor.
- Kurtrus Ashfallen now has 18 Armor.
- Queen Wagtoggle now has 15 Armor.
- Sneed now has 20 Armor.
The following heroes were adjusted to have less Armor:
- Cariel Roame now has 10 Armor.
- Dinotamer Brann now has 8 Armor.
- Guff Runetotem now has 8 Armor.
- Infinite Toki now has 8 Armor.
- Lich Baz’hial now has 10 Armor.
- Lord Jaraxxus now has 8 Armor.
- Malygos now has 8 Armor.
- Mr. Biggleworth now has 11 Armor.
- Scabbs Cutterbutter now has 5 Armor.
- Shudderwock now has 10 Armor.
- Sylvanas Windrunner now has 10 Armor.
- Varden Dawngrasp now has 9 Armor.
Bug Fixes
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Sly Raptor’s Deathrattle minion was not buffed by Mama Bear.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Golden Freedealing Gambler sold for 3 Gold instead of 6.