#1 - Aug. 24, 2011, 5:30 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey guys,

Just making it very clear what my guidelines are for the Bug Report forums. Like all Blizzard posters, I will not tolerate trolling, insults, or any general rudeness on my forums. We are all fans and players of Blizzard games, and we need to treat each other with respect.

In addition, only BUGS should be reported on this forum. Discussions of game balance, design choices, feedback on content, etc. all need to be placed in their respective forums. I will move any off-topic thread as soon as I see it.

Finally, here is the link to the complete Code of Conduct for Blizzard Forums. It contains a more elaborate set of guidelines than the ones I laid out above as I mainly discussed the basics.


I will be strongly enforcing these forum guidelines, so please keep them in mind before submitting your post.