#0 - June 1, 2011, 5:37 a.m.
Blizzard Post

Is blizzard overrated?


Blizzard had their shining moment almost a decade ago.
With Warcraft, Starcraft: brood war, Diablo: LOD

I am by no means trying to take away anything from the great run they had 10 years ago.
But the notion of giving them "#1 best developer" spot seems unreasonable.

The game industry is always evolving, it is never ever in a halt position.
Saying Michael Jordon is #1 player in the league right now, would be absurd thing to say.
The correct way to phrase it is "he was the greatest player in his prime"

The point is, you can't always credit a company in gaming industry for what they've done in the past.
Most of success blizzard have right now was from a complete different developers under a complete different management in a complete different office.

Let me borrow Russel Peters famous impersonation "Their Not Da Samething !"

I just hate when people always talk about the past.
When you say Blizzard is #1, your literally talking about the games they made 10 years ago.

I give them credit for maintaining great service for World of Warcraft which was also created 8+ years ago. I would assume this is a wise move by blizzard as they are pay to play.
Expansions are in essence not a new "game" but more or less like a patch.

As of now, the only game we've seen come out from Blizzard in 21st century is Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty.

Whether you like the game or not, my point is calling Blizzard #1 is a foolish thing to say.
Next time you say "Don't worry, it's Blizzard, they'll get it done" you know you are talking about the past

Forget the past, talk present and future.
Time is moving, we have no time to look back.
Assess what we see right now, and what we are expect to see

Blizzard's reputation of being #1 developer.... will depend on D3's quality
Lets hope it will have a chat channel in Bnet 2.0 this time around. ROfl... #1 developer... hmm
#27 - June 1, 2011, 6:26 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Don't post in all-caps.