Valve ARG

#0 - April 21, 2011, 4:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Let's face it, valve's pre-release event of Portal 2 was simply epic. Not only did it promote indie gaming, but it also gave the community something to hype up about before the game was released. I will not preach to you what it was, if you don't know // want to know, look it up.

However, I wonder what blizzard might try to do? Aside from a midnight release and the Ghosts of the Past trailer, SC2 didn't really have anything too epic. I was wondering what the community would enjoy in this regard? Simply put, what would you like for a pre-release event on D3 to be like?

Personally, I would like another A.R.G. spread across the different platforms (WoW, d2, sc2, wc3) to promote puzzle-finding in the hopes of unlocking something truly epic.
#1 - April 21, 2011, 4:21 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Blizzard does not really look like a company that would do that, it's Valve's policy, copying it would be… Copying! Copypasta belongs to yellow press, pirates and opensource.

I remember that the initial release of P2 was on 19th and the game got live only 12 hours before that thanks to that steam potato show. Not very effective in terms of… time and supereffective for grabbing big bucks. Not ok. Also, hats.
#5 - April 21, 2011, 6:54 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Yeah, the fact that the CPU part was rigged wasn't that great. On the plus side, I got every potato including the golden potato, and was rewarded with a $120 game pack and access to Portal 2 30 min early.

Me too! High five golden potato brother.