Question about Act 4: To Bashiok

#0 - Oct. 6, 2010, 6:34 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I remember a quote from some blizzard official saying that Act 4 in Diablo 3 will be much like Act 4 in Diablo 2. Meaning that Act 4 will contain alot less areas to explore and venture to than the other acts.

Am I correct in my thinking that you guys have announced this? Or am I completely wrong. im sure some people on here would love to know.
#5 - Oct. 8, 2010, 3:06 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
(he's not crazy, I remember them talking about act lengths too)

I know they had stated why they like this size of act 4 when wrapping up the game. It's going to get done faster so it feels like your picking up steam for the "grande finale"... Or something like that.

Pretty much.

We looked at act length in Diablo II and came to some of the same conclusions, "They ran out of time". But when considering it further the intent of the act structure actually got shorter as you went, intentionally rocketing you toward the end of the game. It's one of those things that makes game design hard to relate. It's... it's sort of like a movie score. If done right emotional music can make a scene feel 'better' or raise whatever emotion is being portrayed, but if you start scrutinizing the individual components, or just lose the immersion, it can come off as cheesy.

In any case I think we're estimating a longer game than Diablo II right now, regardless of actual comparable act size.