How much from WoW to Diablo

#0 - Jan. 7, 2009, 3:08 p.m.
Blizzard Post
There has been so many arguments about Diablo 3 being compared to World Of Warcraft and I don't blame them because I've said this before , They're tiny things like make Diablo feel like Diablo and big things likes that make Diablo feel like Diablo. Blizzard needs to understand they cannot be lazy and take ideas from World of Warcraft just because it's a good idea. The game of course is in 3D , birds eye view and should be like a major graphic update from Diablo 2 LoD with some major changes and same items from past games cause it's been 20 years since the three prime evils got defeated and realisticly people are asking to put god damn guns. That is the most idiotic thing ever. What's the point of a gun in a game just think REALLY hard and if your iQ is 50 then don't worry about it, just pray for no guns.

Another thing that is upsets me is that they are taking icons from World of Warcraft to Diablo. NO NO NONONONONONONONON , They need to be designed just for Diablo 3. They need to stop being lazy or i'll make the icons for them for free cause this is getting out hand and they need to ask for ideas from diablo fans mostly then listening to there advisor who just make stupid ideas just because it's there "JOB" . The Fans who play Diablo right now at this moment since the game has been released are those who know the game at best by experience.

If your a player like me who has played the game since it has been out and from here then you understand a change can be a very...critical thing and changes why Diablo the game has always been the highest rated PC game of all time and why the game it self makes you crave to play more.
#9 - Jan. 7, 2009, 9:17 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Wow... well you're obviously very excited.

Uhm, well out of all the things you said I guess I could probably talk about the icons. All of the Diablo III UI and icons are created by the Diablo III team, mainly our UI designer Mike Nicholson. We're not taking any art from other games, it's all created for Diablo III. It should also be noted that everything seen thus far should be considered placeholder, a lot of the UI has already changed fairly significantly.
#47 - Jan. 27, 2009, 8:22 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
what about the shelf with the shirt and boots on it seen in the gameplay trailer thats a direct coppy and paste from WoW?

That was a photoshopped image someone made. It was pretty well done though. Don't be too hard on yourself.
#50 - Jan. 28, 2009, 9:29 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Sure its a single value by which you can quickly compare items, but if your seriously making a comparison, your probably going to look at more than just the damage, and even then look less at the condensed "DPS" figure.

I think you've made a great case for why it should be there, thanks. :)
#52 - Jan. 29, 2009, 12:48 a.m.
Blizzard Post
((to clarify we're talking about DPS showing up on weapons [damage/time], not the damage numbers appearing above enemies when you crit them))

Having DPS there, as you said, provides a quick comparison if that's all you want, and I'd argue that for many players, that's all they'll probably need or care about. For you and others who want to delve into the the specifics of the damage, how it's being put out, as well as how effective it is, then that information is all still there. In fact we're actually giving the player a lot more information now if they want to crunch numbers.

So to have DPS shown, it's a quick comparison for most people. If you want more information, then that's there too. Having the DPS shown has good reasons, but removing it would just be for the sake of "it wasn't in a previous Diablo game".

I will agree it's not the best metric to gauge damage output in this type of game, but it is the simplest way to show a basic power difference between two items for beginning players.