Wizard. Can't see absorption shield in life bar

#1 - Feb. 28, 2014, 3:17 a.m.
Blizzard Post
In the prt when you used something that gave you a shield or diamond skin your life bar would go white. that feature got removed? because I doesn't see my bar going white when I use it.
#7 - Feb. 28, 2014, 3:28 a.m.
Blizzard Post
http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/11885058605#6 ;)

02/27/2014 08:11 AMPosted by Nevalistis
Oh, I've actually wanted to talk about this for a while and hadn't found a good opportunity. :)

We really like the idea of having a shield indicator on the UI (myself included, and you can bet I gave some sad puppy dog eyes when I noticed it was removed as I'm over-paranoid about dying and generally run a lot of shielding abilities). However, the version we had on the PTR/Beta wasn't really fulfilling our needs, primarily because of health scaling.

To clarify, there were cases where, because the amount of shield provided could be so small in relation to your overall health pool, the shield graphic was hard to see. The first iteration, where the shield graphic completely covered your health globe, was less than ideal because you couldn't tell how much health you had remaining under your shields. The small curved bar on the right side of the globe was better, but scaling issues persisted.

In short, it's a UI update we want to revisit in the future, but it wasn't up to our quality standards. When it comes time, we want to make sure what results is smooth, easy to read, and makes sense.