Various bugs I've encountered.

#1 - Feb. 12, 2012, 7:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I'm pretty sure all are accounted for as of now, but I wouldn't be a beta tester if I didn't report them anyways, so here are the following bugs I've encountered.


Currently unable to obtain "Overachiever" due to "Deep Pockets" and "Elite Co-op Kills" not unlocking, even though they show the requirements are met.


Jondar becomes kill-able just before the Templar finishes him off. This results in no loot dropped.

When dropping into some co-op games and using the Town Portal to travel to the Royal Crypts the checkpoint for the Reign of the Mad King doesn't kick-off making it impossible to start the event, you're unable to go into the ornate door that leads to the Mad King. (I've even tried going back and finishing prior sequences of the quest to get this to kick and if someone has traveled via the Teleport to the Royal Crypt the quest cannot be completed.)


Some magical items have a "!!MISSING!!" tag affixed to the beginning of their names.


After causing an enemy to explode various objects contain unrealistic physics, object spins on the ground indefinitely. I've only seen this occur with skulls and shields. (Not entirely sure this is a bug either, I just thought it was odd that they would spin for so long.)
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Quality Assurance
#5 - Feb. 13, 2012, 10:41 p.m.
Blizzard Post
02/12/2012 11:51 AMPosted by neue
Xero - Please read the first sentence of my thread. I only re-reported these as most betas I've been involved with request you report bugs you encounter, even if they're known, so the developer can determine the quantity of clients that encounter it. I apologize if that's not how it's done here. Thank you!

Hey neue,

Thank you for your reports. In the future, please limit your bugs to one per thread. Since I read every thread, it is more helpful to me if every thread had a unique bug in it.

It also makes it easier for me to respond :)