Transmogrification concerns

#1 - Sept. 11, 2013, 11:20 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I know the transmogrification concepts aren't all full defined yet, but I have some concerns.

The idea of not having to sacrifice your character's visual when changing a piece of gear to a new one feels good. Since all rare items are fully random, including their visuals, you always have the chance of getting an awesome godly piece of armor with a crap visual making your char look like a murloc.

However, legendary items are different. They have an unique set of stats and unique visuals. If you let players simply change a legendary item's appearence OR change a rare item's appearence into a legendary display, you will just ruin the legendary itens VISUAL IDENTITY.

Here is the point: I have a great skorn axe with my barbarian. Skorn have an awesome and unique look, so any player who sees my character in game, will know that I'm using a skorn wihout having to inspect me. Furthermore, with transmog on legendaries, I could just by a cheap version of skorn with 10k gold, unlock it's appearence, and then transmog my rare axe into it.

My suggestion: make only randomly generated items eligible for transmog AND only ramdomly generated visuals eligible for transmog.
#26 - Sept. 13, 2013, 7:36 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Can blizzard clarifies a little bit about how it would work?
Hope they follow Rasmus suggestion!

We don't have any additional details to share about the Transmogrify feature at this time, but we certainly encourage all of you to let us know how you think it should work. We're happy to pass that feedback along, and the developers appreciate it, too. We'll be sure to give updates as soon as we have them.