Throttling enabled

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Web & Mobile Team
#1 - Sept. 20, 2012, 11:11 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This is just a heads up that throttling has officially been enabled in all regions for the D3 Web APIs. As a courtesy to the community, the API has been unthrottled up until this point, allowing people to make an unlimited number of requests against it.

I'm also pleased to announce that the soft limit of API requests has been increased to approximately 30,000 requests for anonymous applications and 100,000 requests for registered applications. Additionally, requests made to the data resources (artisan, follower and item) have no cost and do not count against your daily limit.

As most of you are aware, there are some delays in application registration requests, so if you are waiting on a response, please hold tight. We try to get to them whenever we have time, but it is unlikely that we will process any requests until MoP is released.

Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.
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Web & Mobile Team
#5 - Sept. 24, 2012, 4:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I have noticed that today when making multiple consecutive calls, that I get a "REQUEST TIMEOUT" or "COULD NOT CONNECT TO HOST" on some of the of the requests.

Is this because of the throttling?
Am i making too many request too often?
If so is there a remedy?

Your IP address has probably been blocked. Please email us at to work out the details.