Please add mouseover to show if item is cubed already!

#1 - Jan. 7, 2016, 3:02 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I'm surprised this wasn't already put in, it seems like such an obvious qualify of life thing -
instead of having to run over to the cube and search for an item to see if you cubed it already, or trying to cube items you've already cubed, why not something that shows "Legendary power stored" already or something when you mouse over an item? or some sort of icon? anything?

For us completionists its a bit maddening having to figure it all out manually...
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#22 - Jan. 8, 2016, 6:38 a.m.
Blizzard Post
01/06/2016 11:39 PMPosted by Hebalon
The current cube icons look like this:

top, regular diamond: effect that cannot be cubed (like Hellfire)
middle, empty diamond: effect not cubed yet
bottom, filled diamond: effect already cubed

This is, indeed, the latest iteration of this feature. After some player feedback that our original version of this feature was difficult to read (and difficult to tell the difference between the cubed or not cubed indicators), our artists agreed and we opted for the clearer and more simplified version you see in Hebalon's screenshot above.